Influence of Task Domain and Benefit Placement on Device Efficiency


  • Ferdana Hengki Saputra
  • Dedi Hermawan
  • Yevonnael Andrew


Configuration, Strategies, Effectiveness


This study investigates the influence of task domain and the positioning of benefits on the performance of devices. Examining how different task areas and benefit placements affect device efficiency is crucial for optimizing their overall performance. By analyzing various scenarios and configurations, this research aims to provide insights into the relationship between task domain, benefit positioning, and device performance. Understanding these factors can lead to the development of strategies for enhancing device efficiency and effectiveness across different contexts.


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How to Cite

Ferdana Hengki Saputra, Dedi Hermawan, & Yevonnael Andrew. (2024). Influence of Task Domain and Benefit Placement on Device Efficiency. Harmoni Economics: International Journal of Economics and Accounting, 1(2), 18–27. Retrieved from