Ethical Entrepreneurial Leadership And Its Impact On Entrepreneurial Orientation Through The Mediating Role Of Entrepreneurial Passion: An Analytical Study Of The Opinions Of A Sample Of Owners Of Sme In Diwaniyah Governorate


  • Basim Abbas Kraidy Jassmy College of Administration and Economics, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq



Ethical entrepreneurial leadership, Entrepreneurial orientation, Entrepreneurial passion, Owners SME in Diwaniyah Governorate


The current study aims to identify the impact of ethical entrepreneurial leadership on the
entrepreneurial orientation of SME owners in the Diwaniyah Governorate. According to the above, the
study adopts a descriptive and analytical approach to its variables. The study sample consisted of a
group of SME ownwers , numbering (70) companies out of (90). The questionnaire forms was used as
a essential tool for collecting data. The study were used many statistical methods such as standard
deviations, arithmetic mean , and structural equation modeling with the help of statistical programs
(SPSS.var.24, Smart PLS). Theis exist study reached a set of useful conclusions and recommendations.
Basically important of which is that the results of the statistical analysis showed that ethical
entrepreneurial leadership has a significant impact on entrepreneurial orientation.


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How to Cite

Basim Abbas Kraidy Jassmy. (2024). Ethical Entrepreneurial Leadership And Its Impact On Entrepreneurial Orientation Through The Mediating Role Of Entrepreneurial Passion: An Analytical Study Of The Opinions Of A Sample Of Owners Of Sme In Diwaniyah Governorate. Harmoni Economics: International Journal of Economics and Accounting, 1(4), 114–138.

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