Enhancing Risk Management in Sharia-Compliant Peer-to-Peer Lending


  • Meri Anjani
  • Ida Faridah
  • Ferina Dyah Prastiyanti


Risk Management, Peer-to-Peer Lending, Sharia


Effective risk management is essential in the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending industry that adheres to Sharia principles. This article proposes a strategy to improve risk management in Sharia P2P Lending by comprehensively analyzing the Sharia Fintech landscape. Various aspects, including a deep understanding of Sharia principles, applied technology, business models, and relevant policies and regulations, are examined to design an optimal approach to managing risk. Emphasis is placed on identifying, evaluating and mitigating risks specific to the Sharia-compliant P2P Lending industry, such as moral risks, compliance risks and market risks. The results of this analysis provide valuable insights for practitioners and stakeholders involved in the Sharia P2P Lending industry.


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How to Cite

Meri Anjani, Ida Faridah, & Ferina Dyah Prastiyanti. (2024). Enhancing Risk Management in Sharia-Compliant Peer-to-Peer Lending. Harmoni Economics: International Journal of Economics and Accounting, 1(2), 28–36. Retrieved from https://economics.ifrel.org/index.php/HarmoniEconomics/article/view/9