Understanding: Important Points of Value - How Online Customer Review Ratings and Brand Image Influence Shopping Decisions on the Shope Application


  • Ainun Rauna


Gazing, Point Value, Customer Review Assessment, Online, Brand Image, Shopping Decisions, Shope Application.


In this research, we analyze how important points of value, how online customer reviews are rated, and brand image influence shopping decisions in the Shope application. We found that consumers were more likely to purchase products on the Shope app if they received higher value points. This was accompanied by better customer repeat ratings, indicating that the company was successful in meeting consumer needs and ease of purchase. Apart from that, a brand image that moves the heart is also an important factor in influencing consumer shopping decisions. By understanding the role of each of these factors, companies can design more effective marketing strategies to improve consumer experience and increase sales.





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How to Cite

Ainun Rauna. (2024). Understanding: Important Points of Value - How Online Customer Review Ratings and Brand Image Influence Shopping Decisions on the Shope Application. Green Economics: International Journal of Islamic and Economic Education, 1(2), 48–65. Retrieved from https://economics.ifrel.org/index.php/GreenEconomics/article/view/5